
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Amy & Matt | The first dance

In the past week we've had three weddings - it has been a busy week indeed. In the days after we upload, back up, sift through and begin the editing process. Delete the ones where people are blinking, and of course the out of the focus ones (which rarely pop up !), keep all the goodies & then choose our favourites. The favourites make it on to the dvd slideshow we provide once you receive your photos. 

I'm currently in the middle of editing Amy & Matt's wedding, which we photographed mid January. In the entire day we shot (from start to finish), we clicked our cameras buttons around 3,000 times! Yes, a lot of photos to go through - but it's all worth it. 

I'm often asked what's the most rewarding part of my job... Well, all of it! Firstly, I love meeting people. Secondly, I love that I can literally freeze peoples memories, moments which go by so quickly. I also love editing... I love when you come across pictures you forgot you had taken. Ones that simply take your breath away.

I came across these pictures today. The first dance - a traditional moment at any wedding. I just loved the feeling in these two photos... I feel as though I'm back there in the moment. 

Christina x

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