
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the rain will wash away my day

Sometimes it feels like I have a billion things going on at once... My mind feels like it's filled to capacity and I have trouble remembering everything. 

Sometimes I have a bad day, as I'm sure you do too. My bad days are when my mind feels like it explodes, like there's too much going on and I feel the stress levels rising like the temperature on a hot summer's day. 

After a bad day, there's nothing better than a hot shower... To me, it washes away my day. I feel refreshed and new after a hot shower and I wonder if the earth feels the same way after a storm... 

I watched this rain cloud set in over a small country town. It's dark grey clouds, contrasting against the green grass, caught my eye. I love rain after a hot day. It always feels better after rain - the roads look shinier & everything just feels refreshed. 

I had to stop and take a picture of this rain cloud I seen today. There's just something so intriguing about them....

Chris x

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