
Friday, March 25, 2011

two minutes for me

I've been sitting on my comfy red chair for quite a while now. It's parked right in front of my computer. I've had to catch up on emails, edit photos, put together quotes & then edit some more photos. And while I do enjoy this part of my job I can't help but feel the need to pick up what I call my "babies"! 

There's a big window to the right of my computer and as I look outside I can see raindrops delicately sitting on top of the grass and I think - all I need is two minutes. Two minutes to wander around my backyard, two minutes to hold my "baby" & two minutes time away from my computer. It's only a short time, but it's time that makes me happy. 

This is what I found in my two minutes . . . 

Chris x


Jess said...

Very cute photos of your dog. I love the droplets on the leaves too!

Anonymous said...
